Boasting the largest and most diverse vaccine portfolio and pipeline, GSK Vaccines is leading the way in developing new effective countermeasures against emerging and re-emerging diseases.
However, despite being ranked first across all metrics, including R&D, in the 2017 Access to Medicine Index,
GSK Vaccines was not achieving recognition for its pioneering work in vaccine R&D among key stakeholders, particularly among the general public, frontline healthcare professionals and even its own employees.
Hellfire was challenged with reinvigorating an existing platform used by GSK Vaccines with a powerful and convincing narrative underlining GSK Vaccines’ leadership while showcasing exciting new scientific techniques that are helping prevent diseases.
Following extensive research into awareness and interest levels of vaccination-related topics among the general public and HCP audiences, we created a series of bite-sized content featuring experts from GSK Vaccines taking viewers ‘Behind the Science’ of vaccine R&D.
The ‘Behind the Science’ online video series launched in September 2017 to audiences across key digital channels, while also harnessing an exclusive partnership with SERMO, the world’s largest physician network. To date, the series has received positive feedback from GSK employees, reached 100K users, including 50k HCPs, and exceeded both GSK and industry benchmarks for click-through rates.